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Terms and Conditions






  1. You (hereafter referred to as the “Customer”) are desirous of appointing Hulk Waste as common agent to facilitate and arrange for the supply and delivery of a skip bin or skip bins by a Service Supplier to your Site Access.
  2. The Service Supplier is the individual or entity employed by Hulk Waste to supply and deliver a skip bin or skip bins by a Service Supplier to your Site Access
  3. The parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions hereunder.



1.1.  Hulk Waste discloses it acts in its own capacity to make a contract upon the Supplier Terms and Conditions upon the Quoted Terms.

1.2.  The Customer hereby authorises Hulk Waste as its agent to enter a contract with a Service Supplier upon the Supplier Terms and Conditions upon the Customer accepting the Quoted Terms.

1.3.  By entering into this Agreement, the Customer acknowledges that the Customer when contracted with a Service Supplier appointed by Hulk Waste will have a direct contractual relationship with such Service Supplier upon the Supplier Terms and Conditions and the accepted Quoted Terms and accordingly Hulk Waste shall not be liable for the performance of such contracted by the Service Supplier not for any act or omission of the Service Supplier.


2.1.  Unless otherwise agreed in writing between parties, the Customer shall pay the Quoted Fees by credit card upon or before entering into the Service Supplier Contract with Hulk Waste.

2.2.  As may be discerned from the Supplier Terms and Conditions, the Customer is authorised and irrevocably directed to discharge payment obligations by paying the price referred to in the Quoted Terms to Hulk Waste.
2.3.  The Customer acknowledges that Hulk Waste for itself and for its panel of Service Suppliers reserves the right to vary and amend the fees and charges disclosed on the website at any time prior to Quoted Terms being Customer Accepted.
2.4.  Notwithstanding clause 2.2, in the case of manifest error where normal charges and fees for the contracted service to the Customer would exceed fifty percent (50%) more, Hulk Waste for itself and as agent for the contracted Service Supplier reserves the right to terminate the contract.
2.5.  In the event the Customer is liable for Additional Charges as defined in the Supplier Terms and Conditions, the Customer agrees that it shall arrange immediate payment of the Additional Charges after being issued a tax invoice for the Additional charges and shall pay the Additional Charges to the contracting Service Supplier or as it directs.
2.6.  Hulk Waste is hereby irrevocably authorised by the Customer and is at liberty to charge a debit or credit card provided by the Customer for payment of services to the Service Provider for Additional Charges otherwise referred to in Schedule 1 below.
2.7.  In lieu of exercising the power and authority under the preceding sub-clause Hulk Waste may at its discretion direct that the Customer pay direct and otherwise deal with the Service Provider or any matter concerning Additional Charges referred to in Schedule 1 below.


Hulk Waste warrants that it has the requisite authority to enter into an agreement with the Service Supplier upon the Quoted terms set out in the Supplier Terms and Conditions.


The Customer shall be responsible for and shall indemnify Bin Scaver against liability for all loss, damage or injury to persons or property caused by the Customer in respect to the Customer’s use of the skip bin in any manner whatsoever or the Customer’s employees, sub-contractors or agents, and the amount of all claims, damages, costs and expenses which may be paid, suffered or incurred by Hulk Waste.


Hulk Waste is licenced to hold or otherwise holds copyright to the Hulk Waste website and all agreements and documents issued or published by Hulk Waste and accordingly reserved its copyright rights in respect to such materials.


The Customer shall not circumvent or approach a Service Supplier directly made known or for which a quotation was received by Hulk Waste for services at the Site Address quoted upon.


"Customer Acceptance" shall be the communicated acceptance of the Quoted Terms made by the Customer to Hulk Waste through the Hulk Waste Website.

"Quoted Terms" means the terms quoted on the Hulk Waste Website to the Customer after the Customer entered data into the Hulk Waste Website and sought a quotation.

"Service Supplier" means the service provider providing services of the type sought by the Customer for skip bins and where the context permits by reason of a contract between the Customer and a Service Supplier, the Service Supplier contracted by the Customer to perform the services in accordance with the Quoted Terms and the Supplier Terms and Conditions.

"Site Address" has the same meaning as in the Supplier Terms and Conditions.

"Supplier Terms and Conditions" means the terms and conditions referred to in Schedule 1 below as amended from time to time or as published on the Website at the time the Quoted Terms are accepted.

"Website" means the website of Hulk Waste with the web address


Schedule 1




The Service Provider shall supply and deliver the Specified Skip Bin to the Site Address at the Delivery Date and collect the delivered Skip Bin on the Collection Date as directed by Hulk Waste.


The Customer shall pay the Specified Fees to Hulk Waste in consideration of the agreed services to be provided by the Service Provider to the Customer and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
The fees and charges shall be inclusive of GST unless otherwise stated for the Specific Fees or Additional Charges.
The Customer acknowledges that in addition to the Specified Fees that it shall pay to Hulk Waste the Additional Charges should the Customer incur such charges in accordance with clause 3.


The Customer shall pay to Hulk Waste the following Additional Charges:

Additional Weight Charge being a charge for weight of waste materials in the Specified Bin exceeding the prescribed weight for such Specified Skip Bin.
Additional charges to meet tipping fees or special tipping fees and all handling charges including Excess Loading Fees, expenses and costs incurred by the Service Provider including additional costs to deal with Prohibited Materials or types of materials placed in the Bins where additional charges are imposed by the tip or waste station where the materials are disposed by the Service Provider.
Restricted Delivery/Collection Fees.
Excess Retrieval Fees where the Skip Bin is not available for collection on the Collection Date.
The Call-Out Fee, the event the customer cancels its order on the day of delivery.

The Additional Charges for the purposes of clause 3.1 shall be the following amounts or rates:-

Additional Charges or fees for the items referred to in 3.1 (a.) – (d.) above as prescribed on the Website except where (b.) below are higher; or
Additional Charges or fees for the items referred to in 3.1 (a.) – (d.) above quoted in writing by Hulk Waste or the Service Provider; or
Additional Charges or fees referred to in 3.1 (a.) – (d.) above shall otherwise be reasonable charges in conformity with standard charges for such additional weight charged by the Service Provider.
Additional Charges for the item referred to in clause 3.1 (e.) at the Suppliers discretion for the Specified Fees.


The Customer shall pay the Specified Fees due under this Agreement to Hulk Waste as the ad hoc agent of the Service Provider upon and at the time of submitting and processing the order with Hulk Waste.
The Customer shall pay the Additional Charges to Hulk Waste after being invoiced for such Additional Charges.
Payment shall be made by the Customer by credit card or as otherwise may be directed or expressly agreed to by Hulk Waste. The Customer irrevocably and unconditionally authorises Hulk Waste to charge their or its credit card or debit card for the amount of the Specified Fees under this Agreement and for any Additional Charges.
Hulk Waste Provider shall send or cause to be sent a Tax Invoice for fees and Additional Charges in accordance with the GST Legislation.
Payment of the Specified Charges and Additional Charges to Hulk Waste shall operate as a good and effective discharge for the relevant fees owing to the Service Provider.


The Customer acknowledges and agrees:-

To use the supplied Skip Bin in a reasonable and sensible manner;
To bear responsibility and liability for any loss, damage or destruction of the Skip Bin whilst the Skip Bin is under the care, custody and control of the Customer;
To render the Skip Bin to the Service Provider on the Collection Date in the same state and condition as when the Skip Bin was delivered to the Customer, subject to fair wear and tear;
To make the Skip Bin ready and available for collection by the Service Provider on the Collection Date;
That legal title of the Skip Bin does not pass or vest in the Customer at any time;
The customer shall not encumber or charge the Skip Bin in any way whatsoever;
That no interest whatsoever is created or conferred in the delivered Skip Bin to the Customer;
To only use the Skip Bin for depositing the Specified Waste Materials;
To obtain all necessary approvals and permits as may be required from any government authority, body corporate or third party for the delivery of the Skip Bin at the Site Address or adjacent or in proximity to the Site Address and its collection;
Without limiting the indemnities under these terms to assume all liability and responsibility for the delivered Skip Bin including liability for trespass to land, public or private nuisance, injury, death, penalties or fines in the event the Skip Bin is delivered on a footpath, road, lane, public property or private property not owned by the Customer;
To assume responsibility and liability for all materials deposited and placed in the Skip Bin by any person whatsoever including persons not authorised by the Customer;
That Hulk Waste shall not be liable for the tort of conversion, detinue or trespass to goods for the disposal or removal of any goods or materials placed in the Skip Bin and is hereby indemnified of such liability from the Customer for the Customer itself and for any claim or action made or commenced by any third party;
Title in the contents of the Skip Bin remain with the Customer where the contents of the Skip Bin contain Prohibited Materials until and if the Service Provider properly disposes of such contents;
Where (m.) above applies, the Service Provider may at its absolute discretion dispose or return the contents to the Customer or at the Site Address or return the Skip Bin with the contents to the Site Address with Additional Charges applying until such time as the Service Provider is able to collect the Skip Bin in an empty and clean state.


Whilst the Skip Bin is in the care, custody and control of the Customer, the Customer shall not:-

Place or allow to be places whether directly or indirectly into the Skip Bin any Prohibited Materials;
Light fires, burn or allow the burning of waste materials in the Skip Bin;
Excessively fill the Skip Bin whereby the waste materials protrude higher than the top of the Skip Bin or do not fully fit within the confines of the Skip Bin;
Relocate, move or otherwise allow the Skip Bin to be moves or relocated from the Site Address unless otherwise expressly authorised in writing by the Service Provider;
Use the Skip Bin for any illegal purpose which contravenes this Agreement or any law;
Use the Skip Bin for any other purpose other than that disclosed by the Customer and expressly agreed to by the parties and which may be reasonably anticipated in this Agreement.


"You will be charged for the excess weight and/or incorrect waste as in accordance to your order. When you tick the terms and conditions you agree that the bin will be picked up and taken to a certified tip to be weighed and sorted, should your bin be other the weight limit or contaminated you will be notified by your supplier. Your supplier must upon request produce a tip docket displayed your excess weight and/or contamination"


A General Waste bin has a weight limit of 150kgs per cubic metre and is suitable for most light domestic or commercial waste and some light green waste.

The following items can be safely placed in a General Waste Bin:-

Household waste like cloths, toys, cardboard, paper, kitchen ware etc.
Light building/construction waste
Furniture and appliances like cupboards, lounges, fridges and washing machines etc.
Light Commercial waste like office furniture, stationary, shredded paper etc.
Light green waste like shrubs, grass clippings, twigs etc.
Empty paint cans with the lids off

The following items are not permitted to be placed in a General Waste Bin:-

Bricks, soil, concrete, tiles dirt, sand or stone, rocks, pebbles etc.
Palm tree trunks, tree trunks and roots
Carpet or heavy building materials etc.
Hazardous materials including but not limited to asbestos, insulation, liquids, empty chemical containers, food, wet paint tins and putrescibles (likely to decay, spoil or purify).
Synthetic grass
In South Australia – computer monitors or TVs


A Green Waste bin has a weight limit of 150kgs per cubic metre, also often called garden waste or garden organics.

The following waste items can be safely placed in the Green Waste Bin:-

Light green waste like shrubs, grass clippings and twigs etc.
Small branches, leaves and palm fronds etc.
Woodchip and bark with no soil attached
Tree trunks smaller than 150mm in diameter and/or under 1 metre long

The following waste items are not permitted to be placed in a Green Waste Bin:-

Brick, soil, concrete, tiles, dirt, sand and stone, rocks and pebbles etc.
Palm tree trunks and large roots etc.
Tree trunks larger than 150mm in diameter or over 1 metre long
Synthetic grass
Hazardous materials like asbestos, insulation, liquids, empty chemical containers, food, wet paint etc.


A Household Waste Bin is suitable for domestic or office clean out, moving house or office. Similar to General Waste bin but there is no weight limit.

The following items can be safely placed in a Household Waste Bin:-

Household waste like cloths, toys, cardboard, paper, kitchen ware etc.
Light building/construction waste
Furniture and appliances like cupboards, lounges, fridges and washing machines etc.
Light Commercial waste like office furniture, stationary, shredded paper etc.
Light green waste like shrubs, grass clippings, twigs etc.
Empty paint cans with the lids off

The following items are not permitted to be placed in a Household Waste Bin:-

Bricks, soil, concrete, tiles dirt, sand or stone, rocks, pebbles etc.
Palm tree trunks, tree trunks and roots
Carpet or heavy building materials etc.
Hazardous materials including but not limited to asbestos, insulation, liquids, empty chemical containers, food, wet paint tins and putrescibles (likely to decay, spoil or purify).
Synthetic grass
In South Australia – computer monitors or TVs


A Mixed Heavy Waste Bin has no weight limit and charged at a flat rate.

The following items can be safely placed into a Mixed Heavy Waste Bin:-

Bricks and sandstone
Pebbles and rocks
Roofs and floor tiles
Concrete rubble no bigger than 600mm x 600mm
Dirt/soil residue only

The following items are not permitted to be placed in a Mixed Rubble Waste Bin:-

General, green or Excavation waste
Palm trees and fronds and soil with turf attached
Hazardous materials like asbestos, insulation, liquids, empty chemical containers, food, wet paint etc.
No other mixed material other than the types listed above in the allowed items.


A Clean Waste Bin is suitable for hard and heavy materials individually, domestic or commercial. Only one type of material can be placed in this bin. There is no weight restriction for a Clean Waste Bin.

The following waste materials are safe to put in the Clean Waste Bin:-

Bricks and mortar; or
Pebbles and rocks; or
Roof and floor tiles; or
Concrete no bigger than 600mm x 600mm

The following items are not permitted to be placed in the Clean Waste Bin:-

General, green or excavation waste
Palm trees and fronds and soil with turf attached
Hazardous materials like asbestos, insulation, liquids, empty chemical containers, food, wet paint etc.
Sand, soil, clay or dirt
No mixed materials of any sort.


An Excavation Waste Bin is suitable for domestic or commercial excavation removal. The excavated area must not be contaminated with manufactured chemicals or process residue, as a result of industrial, commercial, mining or agricultural activities. There is no weight limit for an Excavation Waste Bin.

The following items can be safely placed into an Excavation Waste Bin:-

Naturally occurring soil/dirt, sand and clay
Less than 10% turf and vegetation.

The following items are not permitted to be placed in an Excavation Waste Bin:-

Greater than 10% turf and vegetation
General waste
Contaminants and contaminated soil
Man-made materials


An Asbestos Waste Bin has a weight limit of 150kgs per cubic metre, suitable for most domestic or commercial Asbestos waste. No other waste can be added to an Asbestos Waste Bin.

The following items can be safely placed in an Asbestos Waste Bin:-

Asbestos materials i.e. Fibro sheeting
Asbestos contaminated waste

No other kinds of waste materials are permitted in an Asbestos Waste Bin.


The Customer may cancel or vary the order providing the Service Provider or its agent Hulk Waste written notice of the cancellation or variation to the order not less than three (3) business days prior to the Delivery Date.
In the event that the Customer seeks to cancel its order in accordance with clause 7.1, the Customer shall be entitled to a 90% refund of any monies already paid for that Skip Bin excluding the Booking Fee.
In the event that the Customer cancels its order by providing the Service Provider and its agent Hulk Waste written notice of the cancellation to the order not less than two (2) business days prior to the Delivery Date, the Customer shall be entitled to a partial refund equal to the amount of any monies already paid for by that Skip Bin minus the two (2) day Cancellation Fee of 10% and the Booking Fee.
In the event that the Customer cancels its order by providing the Service Provider and its agent Hulk Waste written notice of the cancellation to the order not less than one (1) business day prior to the delivery date, the Customer shall be entitled to a partial refund equal to the amount of any monies already paid for that Skip Bin minus the Call-Out Fee, the one (1) day Cancellation Fee of 20% and the Booking Fee.
In the event the Customer seeks to vary and order pursuant to this clause 7, the granting of the variation sought shall be at the absolute discretion of the Service Provider and may be subject to payment of additional fees and charges for changing the service required and other reasonable costs of the Service Provider.
The Customer acknowledges and accepts that it will not be entitled to a refund of any fees and charges paid in respect to a cancelled service whereby the Customer has failed to provide adequate notice of the cancellation or variation in accordance with this clause 7.
The Service Provider or Hulk Waste may cancel the Customer’s order at any time on or prior to the scheduled delivery date in the circumstances where the Service Provider is unable or incapable of supplying and/or delivering Skip Bins or carry out the Service on the date or time required by the Customer.
In the event an order is cancelled by the Service Provider, subject to clause 7.10, the Customer will be entitled to a full refund of any monies paid in respect to the cancelled order unless otherwise agreed in writing and otherwise shall have or incur no further liability.
The Service Provider may cancel this Agreement without prejudice to its rights under this Agreement including Delivery/Collection charges where the Service Provider upon attending the Site Address determines that access is restricted or not permitted, the gradient at the Site Address is dangerous or there are dangerous circumstances including circumstances that could pose occupational health and safety issues to persons in the vicinity of the suggested delivery point.
The Service Provider is hereby authorised to terminate this Agreement and empty the contents of the Skip Bin on the Site Address at the sole risk of the Customer in the event the Skip Bin contains Prohibited Materials, has materials loaded beyond the height capacity of the Skip Bin, has materials protruding from the Skip Bin or the Specified Fees have not been paid prior to delivery of the Skip Bin.


Subject to fair wear and tear, the Customer shall bear full responsibility and be liable for all loss, damage or destruction to the Skip Bin whilst the Skip Bin is in the care, custody or control of the Customer.


The Customer shall be responsible for ensuring reasonable access to the Site Address and ensure that the delivery point for the Skip Bin is freely and reasonably accessible for the delivery and collection and the Customer shall ensure that all necessary consents have been obtained for the delivery, placement, storage and removal of the Skip Bin at the Site Address. 
The Service Provider and its agent Hulk Waste accept no responsibility whatsoever for any damage caused to the ground, service, road, path or passage of the Site Address or the location designated near or in the proximity to the Site Address for the delivery and placement of the Skip Bin and the Customer should ensure the conditions including access heights are suitable for the placement and delivery of the Skip Bin.


This Agreement shall not be assigned by the Customer without the consent in writing of Hulk Waste.


The Customer shall be responsible for and shall indemnify Hulk Waste and the Service Provider against all liability for all loss, damage or injury arising or caused by the Customer’s breach of these terms or the Customer’s use, custody and control of the Skip Bin however caused (excepting attributed damage caused by the negligence of the Service Provider) by the Customer, Customer’s employees, the Customer’s sub-contractors, the Customer’s agents and unauthorised third parties.


Throughout the continuance of this Agreement the Customer shall conform at its own cost and expense with all Acts of both Federal and State Parliaments and all Regulations, By-laws, Ordinances or Orders made thereunder and the lawful requirements of any Public, Municipal or other authority so far as the same may affect or apply to the Customer and the Customer shall indemnify the Service Provider and Hulk Waste from and against all actions, costs, charges, claims and demands in respect thereof.


To the extent permissible by law the operation of any implied statutory term or terms are hereby excluded.
Where the Skip Bin services, if any, provided by the Service Provider under this Agreement are not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption then in the event the Service Provider is in breach of this Agreement, or is liable for loss or Damage, Hulk Waste shall not be liable for any consequential loss, including economic loss and the liability of the Service Provider to the Customer shall be limited to as Hulk Waste may decide:

The supplying of the Service again;
The supplying of equivalent goods or services; or
The payment of the cost of having such services supplied again.


This Agreement shall be construed and take effect in accordance with the laws of all states in Australia. Each of the parties hereto submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts of that place including all Courts of Appeal therefrom and this clause may be pleaded as bar to action or suit brought in any Court in any other place in the world.


The parties acknowledge and agree that Hulk Waste is a common agent of both the Customer and the Service Provider and that the Service Provider was selected from a panel of Service Providers established by Hulk Waste.
Hulk Waste is not a partner with the Service Provider and any form of partnership is hereby disclaimed; nor is Hulk Waste in an employer/employee relationship with the Service Provider and any form of such a relationship is hereby disclaimed.


The Service Provider and Hulk Waste shall not be liable for any failure or delay in complying with any obligation imposed under these terms if the failure or delay arises directly from any fact or circumstance beyond the control of the Service Provider, including without limitation fire, earthquake, explosion, war, insurrection, sabotage, industrial disputes, transportation, acts of terrorism, acts of God, embargo, changes in law, delays or disruption by government or government agencies.


"Additional Charges" are the charges referred to in clause 3.1

"Additional Weight Charges" are charges payable where the weight of refuse or material places in the delivered Skip Bin exceeds the prescribed weight for such Specified Skip Bin.

"Business Day" means a day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in the relevant state in Australia.

"Call-Out Fee" means a fee due to the Service Provider, for the amount of the Specified Fees.

"Cancellation Fee" means the cancellation fee applicable under clause 7.3 in the amount of 10% of the Specified Fees.

"1 Day Cancellation Fee" means the cancellation fee applicable under clause 7.4 in the amount of 20% of the Specified Fees.

"Collection Date" means the date being the agreed collection date for the Skip Bin as varied by mutual consent by the parties in writing.

"Delivery Date" means the date agreed to be the date for delivery of the Service Bin by the Service Provider or the date of delivery of the Skip Bin, whichever is the alter to occur.

"Delivery Period" means the date commencing at the Delivery Date and terminating at the agreed time on the Collection date. If no agreed time, a time as selected by the Service Provider for such date or later date.

"Excess Loading Fees" means additional fees payable for materials placed in the Skip Bin which protrude from the Skip Bin or protrude above the height of the Skip Bin.

"Excess Retrieval Fees" means the additional cost per day or part thereof for the licensed use of the delivered Skip Bin extending beyond the initially agreed Collection Date to a date being when the Skip Bin is reasonably available for collection on a business day.

"GST Legislation" shall mean A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 and the regulations made thereunder as amended form time to time and any corresponding replacement legislation.

"Input Tax Credits" has the same meaning as used in the GST Legislation.

"Prohibited Materials" means and includes:-

Any liquids;
Any explosive materials or combinations of materials or substances which creates explosive materials by chemical reactions;
Dangerous, toxic, hazardous or noxious materials including but not limited to asbestos, acids, solvents, chemicals, paints, oils and medical biological wastes;
Radioactive materials; and
Materials or substances otherwise referred to as such on the website at the time this Agreement is entered into; or
Materials placed in the Specified Skip Bin not conforming to the Waste Type.

"Restricted Delivery / Collection Fees" being additional fees and costs unnecessarily incurred or sustained by the Service Provider by reason of no or restricted access to the Side Address or for delivery and / or collection of the Skip Bin or where delivery or collection would otherwise occur in dangerous circumstances or on a dangerous gradient as determined by the Service Provider upon seeing the Site Address.

"Service Provider" means the service provider which has been selected from a panel of service providers maintained by Hulk Waste and contracted under these terms through Hulk Waste being a common agent between the Customer and the Service Provider.

"Site Address" means the address location for delivery of the Skip Bin as agreed between the parties. "Skip Bin" means a skip bin receptacle commonly used for delivery to parties on a specialist use truck, disposal of materials and refuse in such receptacle and the collection and disposal of the materials in such receptacle at a proper waste disposal facility using the specialist use truck.

"Specified Fees" means the fees prescribed on the website at the time of entering into this Agreement or otherwise quoted by Hulk Waste for the provision of the Service after taking into account or specified for:-

The size and type of Specified Skip Bin;
The Site Address;
The Delivery Period;
The Waste Type

"Specified Skip Bin" means the type and size of the Skip Bin as agreed between parties between one of the Skip Bin options listed in clause 7

"Specified Waste Materials" means the Waste Type appropriate for the corresponding Specified Skip Bin as outlined in clause 7 but excluding Prohibited Materials.

"Waste Type" means the type of waste as agreed between parties for disposal in the Skip Bin.


Please be advised we will be closed from the 22nd of December to the 8th of January

Wishing you and your Family's a safe and happy Christmas.

We look forward to working with you all again in 2024.

Scheduled Maintenance & Updates: 28/6-30/6

Sorry for the inconvenience

Thank you for your interest in Hulk Waste. Our booking system is currently undergoing maintenance and upgrades to give our customers an even better ordering system. Please check in again on Monday. Thanks.